When were you first diagnosed with fibro?

Monday, February 22, 2010

First post

I've heard a lot about blogging and thought I would give it a try.

I am a single mom of 5, three of whom are still at home. I have 2 granddaughters and a grandson. I also have been diagnosed with fibro. As one would imagine, fibro makes single parenting even more difficult....... My kids have missed school because of my fatigue and pain. I had to stop working at a job I loved. And my home is usually in disarray. I had to stop doing many things I enjoy, such as camping, because of it, it's just too much activity for a tired, sore body.

So, anyway, I hope to post about my experiences and what I find helpful so maybe some one else will possibly benefit from my trial and error ways of doing what needs to be done when raising a family as a single mom with fibro.

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