When were you first diagnosed with fibro?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Another day

Well, given my intent to try to help others, let me begin with saying that I have found the cookbook "$5 Dollar Dinner Mom", by Erin Chase, is my new favorite cookbook! The meals are not only economical, they are super easy and seem to be better, nutritionally, than frozen dinners.

I cook very well without a cookbook, but the food I am used to cooking required a lot more time and energy than I currently have. By the time I get the kids up and ready for school, my energy seems to disappear, so you can imagine my energy level by dinner time!

Now if only I could find a book that helps with getting the kids to help out just a bit more..... Well, actually, they help out probably more than most kids their age but since I have fibro and want to have a tidy home AND still have energy to do something fun with the kids once in a while, extra help would be wonderful. I miss the days when I could work 8 hours, come home and make a decent meal and then watch the kids play outside, or, better yet, take them someplace and still have energy to bathe them before bedtime and do a load of laundry.

Soon I hope I can blog about the details of my life and what I believe brought me to where I am now.......Hmmmmmm............ an autobiography, I guess.

Well, time for bed, morning comes way to quickly.

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