When were you first diagnosed with fibro?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I don't think I have yet mentioned my 1 year old grand daughter and her health issues. Since she was about a month old she has had breathing difficulties and ear troubles after a bout with RSV. The tried to do a sweat test for Cystic Fibrosis but she did not sweat enough. She went through a test for acid reflux and that was negative. She had tubes put in her ears but they had to be removed about a month later, at which time she had her adnoids removed. She has ear infection after ear infection. Antibiotics clears it up but then she gets a horrible rash that does not respond to the prescribed ointments and the ear infection returns just days after the antibiotics are finished. She is always wheezing and nebulizer treatments and inhalers don't do a thing. So, to the point, I think they should repeat the sweat test but they want to stick a tube up her nose and into her throat for 24 hours, during which time her mom has to keep the poor child from messing with the tube! Absolute torture!!! Also, when the doctor took the ear tubes out, he biopsied some tissue to see if her problem was Immotile Cilia disease. The biopsy was not enough tissue, but they did not some abnormal cilia. So, being the worried Gramma, I called upon the worlds best pediatrician, who is now retired, to ask his opinion. He was my pediatrician when I was a child and he was my children's pediatrician until he retired about 5 years ago. He agreed with me about retesting for cystic fibrosis and about reflux being over hyped as a cause for children's chronic breathing problems. He also suggested a PPD, a test for TB. He also told us we were in good hands with the ENT she has and that we should ask him to speak up to the pulmonologist about not sticking the tube into her nose just yet. I feel very strongly that reflux is NOT this childs problem and so I feel better knowing that I am not just an over protective Gramma!!

On a different note, we are leaving for Chicago tomorrow after my cardiologist appointment. We will spend the night in Ohio, since it is roughly half way. Then to Chicago, where I hope we arrive early enough to visit Lincoln Park Zoo and the Navy Pier. I hope to cram in the Shedd Aquarium also. Then we drop back down to Lafayette Indiana to visit my ex husband and the Wolf Park. I really wanted to go for 2 days in Chicago, but it is so expensive there for hotels.

Spring is really here, I wake up every morning by 3 am and can't get back to sleep. Oh well, I enjoy hearing the chirping birds before the day starts for the rest of the family.


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